December 1934

In this post, Frances Sprague proposes to Lydia Spencer (Ruth’s cousin) on Christmas eve! Dave gets a “new” Essex, and Ruth says she’s going home to Adams for Christmas break. -sk (the site-keeper)

December 17, 1934

Middleburg, N.Y.

Dear Ruth,

Well here goes for a try at answering your letter which by the way wasn’t a bad letter at all. There is only one criticism I can offer and that is about the salutation. You know I have a first name and in as much as the letter was of the informal type, why not use it.

By the way, if I should get some Bobby Benson1 or Buck Rogers nonsense mixed up in this letter, don’t blame me for that is the current program on the radio at present. Someday I think I shall break the radio or forget to pay the electric bill and then maybe I’ll be able to concentrate on my letter writing.

I didn’t go to Catskill today as I planned. The reason? Well I’d hate to tell you the time that I got up this morning. However, if you promise never to tell brother Sprague, I might whisper very softly that it was 11:30. Needless to say, I received no breakfast but a cup of coffee and a slice of toast which lasted me until 12:30 lunch. I’ll take Mother to Catskill tomorrow and that will suit her just as well as today.

Francis was supposed to get up and go to work on his gas station but I don’t know whether or not he did.

Dave Coffin at Francis’ gas station, Preston Hollow, NY

I got in the house at 4:20 this a.m. and even though the dogs didn’t make a sound I was unable to sneak in undetected. It’s a good thing no one got up to take a look at me. If they had, they surely would have thought that I had imbibed too deeply of alcoholic spirits what with my tie in my hand, hat on one side and scarf knotted around my neck. Someday you will be sorry for all the mean things you do.

Francis said on the way home that he was going to stop picking on you so much. He is afraid you really will get mad at him. He thinks you were quite peeved over the letter Sunday night and I am inclined to think the same, although you had reason to be. I really should have told you before you found it out that I had the letter, but when Lydia gave it to me she told me not to tell you so I was going to wait until after you had left the car before I said anything.

I suppose about now you are taking your dancing lesson. I don’t see what’s the use of keeping it up since you say you aren’t going to any more dances after January 1st or even New Year’s Eve.

Essex cars were produced by the Essex motor company from 1918 to 1922, and then by Hudson Motor Co., Detroit MI until 1933.

Pardon me while I rest my arm and have a smoke.

Now to continue but not for long as I have already outdone any previous records in letter writing for me and I suppose by the time you have struggled thru this far you will no longer wonder why I say I can’t write letters. As I told you Sunday night or rather Monday morning, I will send you a small package by mail and it is not to be opened until December 25th no matter how much the kitten inside yells for water or food. I don’t know if it is anything you will like or have use for but if the case is not, please pardon my lack of good judgment and forget all about it.

I think this is where I’ll sign off before I get writer’s cramp. Don’t forget I’ll be expecting a letter from you.

I do hope you will have a nice time and a Merry Xmas while you are home but don’t forget to come back because if you do, there will be one more Essex rolling around Adams Center.



December 21, 1934

73 Brookline Avenue

Albany, N.Y.

Dear Dave,

What a life! Yeah, I received the letter and also the kitten. Personally I think your judgment is very good since I always had a weakness for kittens. Thanks a lot but you can never guess how hard it has been to keep from letting the poor cat out. He has made quite a racket and I might add that he has kept me awake. Probably the last remark wouldn’t go over so big since you have already received the dope on how I sleep. I guess I’ll send you a kitten only it won’t be Joe Cuffy ’cause any guy who can’t keep his tie on certainly could never handle a fighter like him.

I am ashamed not to have written before to let you know I received the package but I have been busy all the week. However, I guess that isn’t much of an excuse.

I was supposed to go to a party at school last night but I decided I saw enough of the darn place without going twice a day.

Pardon the pause.

Nope, I didn’t have me a cigarette but I did have me some wine. I didn’t like the stuff but I had to drink it to be polite. It feels like so many mustard packs.2

I’m glad your mother didn’t get a look at you when you got home Monday a.m. Where did you go after you left us? You certainly didn’t look as bad as you say when you departed.

Get a load of this. I have a namesake born December 15. Her name being Shirley Ruth.  She is a heavy weight like her Aunt Ruth. Now I have a baby to practice giving baths when I get home.3

I didn’t take a dancing lesson this week because my foot was lame and so was the disposition. I sure was sweet tempered Sunday night. Tell Francis I am sorry I talked mean to him, but never the less I still think if he didn’t like it, he should have told me the difference. As yet I have been unable to dope out the reason for my meanness, not that is unusual or anything.

I suppose you took your dog to Catskill Tuesday. I bet he comes home again. Did you by chance attempt to drive the car anyplace Wednesday? I got soaked waiting for a trolley.

We get a two week vacation so I’m not coming back to Albany until January 6, 1935. I leave tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. and arrive in Adams at 7 p.m. Probably it will sleet tonight just so things will be fixed nice.

It is now 11:15 p.m. so I think I’ll snatch a little sleep or I’ll miss the bus tomorrow.

I hope you have a nice time at the New Year’s dance. I’ll attempt to send you a card from Adams or Adams Center.

I wish you a very merry Christmas and don’t forget the resolutions. (No. 1) Retiring before 12:30 every night.


December 24, 1934

Middleburg, N.Y.

Dear Ruth,

Received your letter today and I’ll start the first installment of the answer tonight.

So you did get your vacation after all. I’m glad you did even though it does mean I’ll have to do without your enchanting company for so long.

Francis went to Schenectady one day last week and came back with a big long tale telling me you had a long vacation and would not be back until January 13. He even mentioned the fact that you were going to honor him by returning on his birthday. Just wait until I see him. I’ll probably mop the floor with him for causing me all that anxiety.

Well Francis bought the ring last week and expects to go to Albany tonight and make the presentation. I suppose I’ll have to go down and see him tomorrow and offer my hearty congratulations.

Yes, I went to Catskill as I planned but didn’t take the dog. Decided to keep him myself.

I was also out with the car Wednesday. Had to go to Middleburg in the afternoon and just managed to get home safely over the ice and found out I had to turn around and go back again at night to get my kid brother. He stayed down after school to go to a basketball game.

Hope you will pardon the blots on this letter. My pen seems to have the jitters tonight.

Mother says not to tell you what I said. When I made the remarks I didn’t swear anyway.

I can’t think of anything more to write tonight so I’ll sign off and hang up my stocking. I borrowed one from Kate Smith for the occasion.4

Good nite and pleasant dreams.

Wednesday, December 26

Chapter #2

Well Christmas is over for another year and I for one am not sorry. Had a good time and a swell turkey dinner. I guess someone expected me to have plenty of money to carry around because I received two billfolds. As yet, however, they are both empty. Also received a new belt so there will be no excuse for me coming out without a belt.

Claude and Lula Sherman at Livingstonville, NY

About three in the afternoon Francis came down. He was just going to Albany to get Lydia and bring her out to his house and he wanted me to come down, too. My car was in the garage for repairs and still is for that matter. A connecting rod went bad. After throwing out several hints to my sister5 about getting a car for the night I finally came right out and asked for it. Claude started to say he would drive me down, but my sister being a little more kind-hearted or still filled with the Christmas spirit, I don’t know which, said sure I could take it. I got down there just as Lydia and Francis were coming in from Albany. She went over swell with his family and everything went off fine. The ring is a dandy and she is some pleased with it.

I gathered from a few of her remarks that I am supposed to receive a scarf. Naturally I was quite surprised as I didn’t expect you to do anything like that. Nevertheless, I thank you a thousand times. I’ll wear it on one condition only, that you promise not to pull it out.

Lydia also told me about the kids spying on us when we were all in the house that last Sunday and what they said. I’m surprised at you. If what they said is true, I must have been asleep because I don’t remember it.

Last Sunday was the first one I had spent at home in over a year and was it a long day. I just sat around and read all day and retired about 9:30. I didn’t even have the car to go for a ride. I suppose next Sunday will be a repetition of the same thing. You had better hurry up and get back to Albany to save me from going crazy. What time do you expect to arrive in Albany the 6th and where will you leave the bus? You had better tell me because I’ll be there waiting even if it is after 12:30.

Cooperstown Otsego Farmer, December 28, 1934

I am not going to the dance New Year’s Eve. I don’t think L & F are going either. We had a little excitement at a dance here in M. last week. Maybe you saw it in the paper. One fellow was killed and a couple of others pretty well banged up in a fight. Walt, the fellow who was killed, lived only a little ways from me and I have been out with him a few times. He was really quite a nice fellow and it is a shame. They are holding two other fellows on first degree manslaughter.

How is the weather up north? Down here in Florida, it is snowing this morning but it is quite warm.

I suppose the address on this letter will cause the post office officials no little consternation. They will probably have to dig out all their maps and directories to find out which direction to send this letter.

Well, Ruth, Mother just asked me if I was righting (correct English) [sic] writing a book and I think I had better stop before I do.

Don’t forget to let me know what time you will arrive and “Be good for goodness sake.”



  1. Bobby Benson’s radio series, first called “H-Bar-O-Rangers,” later “B-Bar-B-Riders” first appeared on CBS radio network from 1932 to 1936. The show was brought back in 1949 on the Mutual network and lasted until 1955. Other actors in the show were: Richard Wanamaker as Bobby Benson, Clyde Campbell as Bobby Benson, Charles Irving as Tex Mason, and Bob Haig as Tex Mason.
  2. (from Wikipedia) Mustard poultice – A mustard seed powder spread inside a protective dressing and applied to the body to stimulate healing. It can be used to warm muscle tissues and to treat chronic aches and pains. For long a part of conventional medical treatment, and available in prepared versions in pharmacies, it fell from favour in the 20th century, and is now only used as a home remedy.
  3. Shirley Ruth Lord was born on December 15, 1934 in Adams Center, New York, the 5th child of Niles and Grace (Parker) Lord.  She died on February 19, 1935.
  4. Kate Smith (1907-1986) was an American singer, best known for her rendition of Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America.”
  5. Lula Coffin-Sherman (1897-1978) was Dave’s older sister. She married Claude (1895-1955) in 1922.

1 thought on “December 1934”

  1. Fabulous. What a terrific glimpse into the young lives of people I have loved forever. Thank you for sharing this journey with us!

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